Engström came to us as Engström & Engström. A Swedish manufacturer of some of the finest hi-fi amplifiers in the world, the company had a good reputation among a small, niche group of audiophiles. We were tasked with updating the brand, establishing Engström as a leader in the field and helping it open up the world of super-hi-fi, making amazing sound accessible to more than just the super-rich.
Brand strategy • Brand name • Visual identity • Website • Print • Photography & Retouching

Engström’s amplifiers are bespoke, handcrafted engineering masterpieces created by the founders Lars and TImo Engström, made in Sweden, with a precision that reproduces sound in its original, natural, purest form. Once we had nailed down the brand pillars all we had to do was let them guide the way to a visual identity. Though the logo is built on just a 7x7 pixel grid, it contains both founders, the family name, the Swedish crowns, and precision engineering.

In addition to gearing the spirit of the brand towards Scandinavian Sound through pure, natural Scandinavian landscapes, we also directed a number of photoshoots to capture both the products and the production process in editorial-style black & white. Product photos serve as an authentic replacement for 3D renders, which did not embody the personal, natural, bespoke character of the brand.

We designed business cards and produced a 32-page brand booklet for Timo & Lars to hand out at the annual Munich High End audio show. The square format reflects the brand identity. Premium matt paper gives Engström an understated and natural edge in an industry that tends to go for gloss. The minimal content allows the photography to tell the story, keeps the pages spacious, and was a welcome breath of fresh air when competitors favor cramming as much technical information as possible into their print materials.